Leadership Resources

Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Hireless Recovery http://cot.ag/9L5ifs
How can you break through and take your own leadership game to the next level? http://cot.ag/bb47rr
A look inside the un-factory http://cot.ag/cK4gUQ

Friday, July 30, 2010

Misfit Entrepreneurs http://cot.ag/bubzE7
in this challenging business climate, companies aren’t spending as much on leadership development http://cot.ag/bb47rr
Leaders are often times too busy to develop their leadership skills. http://cot.ag/bb47rr
A Little Enlightened Self-Interest http://cot.ag/bWJsFn

Thursday, July 29, 2010

What Mad Men Gets Right About Innovation http://cot.ag/c8RFl9
Leaders at all levels today are busy http://cot.ag/bb47rr
50 Ways to Develop Yourself as a Leader http://cot.ag/bb47rr
2010 Top Small Company Workplaces http://cot.ag/ciVjVW

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Employee Motivation: A Powerful New Model http://cot.ag/bfkQak
Leaders at all levels today are busy – often times, too busy to develop their leadership skills. http://cot.ag/bb47rr
50 Ways to Develop Yourself as a Leader http://cot.ag/bb47rr
Dear Young Job Seeker: http://cot.ag/azUcIH
"Without the human community, one single human being cannot survive." - The Dalai Lama

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A New Tool for Understanding Sustainability Drivers http://cot.ag/ale3dx
Building the Client-Centered Organization http://cot.ag/awHEXM
Are you a chief human resource officer, chief learning officer, head of learning and development, or sales executive? http://cot.ag/awHEXM
CEO List of Things to Do, Fortune Magazine's Nalco CEO Checklist http://cot.ag/bAtyuh @bpiworld
uSocial: Celebs Faking Number of Twitter Followers http://cot.ag/aBO6c0
The Fortune Global Forum Visionaries management leadership http://cot.ag/d351Ku @bpiworld
"The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us." - Voltaire

Monday, July 26, 2010

How to Conduct an Internal Interview http://cot.ag/c1SKQu
knowledge management/collaboration platforms link individuals across boundaries http://cot.ag/awHEXM
What are the institutional enablers that are needed to support trusted client partnerships? http://cot.ag/awHEXM
Three Things Google Can Learn From Apple http://cot.ag/9kUl0a
Lessons from America's Most Productive CEOs # management leadership http://cot.ag/cw5Bjy

Sunday, July 25, 2010

You don't stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing.
How to Succeed When Everyone Is in Charge http://cot.ag/bhnFAw
Learn principal skills and competencies that individuals must develop to be able to exercise “client leadership” http://cot.ag/awHEXM
assess how client-centered your organization is http://cot.ag/awHEXM

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Chart a Middle Course in Strategy and Innovation Conflicts http://cot.ag/bzrBon
Identify key trends affecting our ability to develop long-term client relationships http://cot.ag/awHEXM
Receive your comprehensive roadmap for the journey to trusted partner status with your key clients. http://cot.ag/awHEXM
Is there a place for a person who is brilliant, but not a "team player?" http://cot.ag/9OkFsC

Friday, July 23, 2010

Get Immediate Value from Your New Hire http://cot.ag/agEg1H
Build individual skills and the institutional capabilities that combine to support enduring client relationships http://cot.ag/awHEXM
Long-term clients make the difference between being seen as a commodity or a differentiated, value-added provider http://cot.ag/awHEXM
If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves." - Thomas Edison

Thursday, July 22, 2010

You've Made A Mistake. Now What? http://cot.ag/9bbphj
Long-term clients are the lifeblood of any organization. http://cot.ag/awHEXM
Building the Client-Centered Organization http://cot.ag/awHEXM
Can Green Business Survive the Meltdown? http://cot.ag/cXIiwz
Repetition does not transform a lie into the truth
- Franklin Roosevelt

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Big Idea: No, Management Is Not a Profession http://ping.fm/tMRuC
How to Prevent Hiring Disasters http://cot.ag/91ZR1N
How are results measured? Explore the ROI to individuals and the organization. http://cot.ag/a0daZL
A Measurement Based Approach to Leadership Coaching that Facilitates Successful Leaders Getting Even Better http://cot.ag/a0daZL
Why invest in Best Practices? http://ping.fm/vhBzw
Renovate the Old Economy, Don't Rebuild It http://cot.ag/c67Upb
How to Prevent Hiring Disasters http://ping.fm/ap9I9

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Get Your Team to Stop Fighting and Start Working http://cot.ag/d3A3Bt
Interested in improving yourself, another person, or a team? http://cot.ag/a0daZL
building “dual strength” talent http://cot.ag/cIkMen
How to Conduct an Internal Interview http://ping.fm/YDB2f
Upcoming BPI Webinars for Tuesday, July 20, 2010 http://cot.ag/cfbBo3 @bpiworld
Outsourcing Gets Crimped by Recession http://cot.ag/ahEYoa

Monday, July 19, 2010

“An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.” mahatma gandhi
Learning From Your Mistakes – 4 Steps To Turn Failure Into Success http://ht.ly/2dsl7
Making Your Strategy Work on the Frontline http://cot.ag/ct51UZ
10 Best Places for business and careers http://ping.fm/keHOV
Belief Set of Successful Leaders... Who to make the investment in. http://cot.ag/a0daZL
Identifying, cultivating and keeping people who can work seamlessly across deep functional lines http://cot.ag/cIkMen
The World's Most Influential Companies http://cot.ag/bNgfCN

Sunday, July 18, 2010

explore the macro and micro impact of the stakeholder centered coaching process http://cot.ag/a0daZL
What's More Important, Innovation or Growth? http://cot.ag/9GtylV
Doubling Down to Build Bench Strength http://cot.ag/cIkMen
Are You a Walt Disney or a Roy Disney? http://cot.ag/dr81nQ

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Turning a Part-time Passion Into a Full-Time Enterprise http://cot.ag/aLQsCB
Internal and external coaches have been trained in this stakeholder centered coaching approach http://cot.ag/a0daZL
Identifying Leadership Development Opportunities http://cot.ag/cIkMen
Will Pfizer's Giveaway Drugs Polish Its Public Image? http://cot.ag/9sDFYG

Friday, July 16, 2010

Words and phrases have meanings http://cot.ag/a0daZL
Fast Company is searching for 2010's Most Influential Person Online. You are more influential than you think http://cot.ag/aBie82 @bpiworld
Fast Company is searching for 2010's Most Influential Person Online. You are more influential than you think. http://fcinf.com/v/b2jq
competitive advantage research revealed http://cot.ag/cIkMen
Trusting a CEO in the Twitter Age http://cot.ag/cExQRD

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Fail More, Win More http://cot.ag/czsw95
How to measure, manage and report human capital changes http://cot.ag/9ja0Vt
HR Strategy - not a strategy? http://cot.ag/9ja0Vt
Best Places to Launch a Career http://cot.ag/aKm5Tw

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Cutting Work Hours Without Cutting Staff http://cot.ag/cJyxMz
5 Deals That Defined George Steinbrenner's Career http://cot.ag/9w4YwP
ast Company is searching for 2010's Most Influential Person Online. You are more influential than you think. http://fcinf.com/v/b2jq
Fast Company is searching for 2010's Most Influential Person Online. You are more influential than you think. fcinf.com/v/b2jq
Want to reach long-term career goals? Press the flesh at industry confabs... http://cot.ag/bJMM5k @bpiworld
The Issue: Hickory Farms' Smokin' Turnaround Plan @bpiworld
When the CEO Job Is Split in Two http://cot.ag/adrzBE
Free Webinar Today: Re-Energizing Employees For the Season Ahead http://ping.fm/EDysQ
CEO Succession: Getting Your Successor on a Board http://cot.ag/dd3oxh
"Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see." - Mark Twain

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Manage Your Profession http://ping.fm/K3Ep3
From the Gulf: A Portrait of a Business Owner http://ping.fm/kcNbL
The economic downturn has taken its toll on employees. http://ping.fm/G0PVX
Innovation In a Recession http://ping.fm/aUF3c
How Call Centers Use Behavioral Economics to Sway Customers http://ping.fm/Ej0zq
"When we learn to manage our emotions long enough to stop and shift our attention to the quieter message of the heart, we can gain a wider perspective on any situation, often saving ourselves from hurt, frustration and pain." - Doc Childre and Howard Martin,
The HeartMath Solution
The Execution Trap http://cot.ag/9pvqMz @bpiworld
Re-energizing Employees for the Season Ahead http://cot.ag/btIiri @bpiworld
"Whoever wants to reach a distant goal must take many small steps."
German Parapsychologist, Helmut Schmidt

Monday, July 12, 2010

Best practices of great leaders who energize the people they lead http://cot.ag/btIiri @bpiworld
Re-energizing Employees for the Season Ahead http://ping.fm/bLfJw

Sunday, July 11, 2010

What's More Important: Innovation or Growth? http://ping.fm/uUdOE
Stop the Innovation Wars http://ping.fm/HZuca
Get Immediate Value From Your New Hire http://cot.ag/agEg1H @bpiworld

Saturday, July 10, 2010

As Careers Paths Change, Make On-Ramping Easy http://cot.ag/a3vPWm @bpiworld

Friday, July 9, 2010

talented employees will pursue opportunities at the first signs of a positive economic shift http://cot.ag/ceOGXI @bpiworld
Talented employees always have choices http://cot.ag/dmcX4U @bpiworld
Broaden your definition of career success and career growth http://cot.ag/dmcX4U @bpiworld
take full responsibility for driving your own career opportunities http://cot.ag/ceOGXI @bpiworld
Design functions http://cot.ag/cIkMene @management leadership succession

Thursday, July 8, 2010

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” -John F. Kennedy
"Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood."
Nobel Prize Winner, Marie Curie

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

saving employee's jobs is the most powerful performance strategy for an organization http://ping.fm/iZqcr
A new derivational model has emerged http://ping.fm/rtWjK
http://cot.ag/cIkMen Use cross-functional teams @bpiworld
Get Your Team to Stop Fighting and Start Working http://ping.fm/ev1R9
GE's Immelt Takes Heat for Bringing Things to Light http://ping.fm/fpWLo
Powerlessness Corrupts http://cot.ag/chUcl4 @bpiworld
Managing the Corporation in Crisis, a free Webinar hosted by Best Practice Institute http://ping.fm/2LKrC
develop talent at the individual level http://cot.ag/cIkMen @leadership development succession planning talent management

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Management Is Not a Profession But It Can Be Taught http://ping.fm/QrPnI
Can an employee who's been an industry legend keep up? http://ping.fm/G8yVB
#management leadership development
Organizations are looking to build “dual strength” talent http://cot.ag/cIkMen amanet management leadership development

Monday, July 5, 2010

Making Your Strategy Work on the Frontline http://ping.fm/RK9ao
Stop Trying to Delight Your Customers http://ping.fm/M5tTP
Everything I Thought I Knew About Leadership Was Wrong http://ping.fm/cAcxB leadership management
The Founding Fathers of the Web http://cot.ag/bNR9e4 @bpiworld
How to Find the Best Insights http://ping.fm/u4wFP

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Best Place to Launch Your Career http://cot.ag/bZVeD6 @bpiworld
Love em' or Lose 'em: Getting Good People to Stayhttp://cot.ag/ceOGXI
Assess how client-centered your organization is http://cot.ag/awHEXM customer service sales marketing leadership management amanet
What are the key trends affecting our ability to develop long-term client relationships? http://cot.ag/awHEXM management customer service
Why Friends Matter at Work and in Life @bpiworld
NASA Cuts 8-Foot Hole in a 747, Bolts in Huge Telescope http://cot.ag/9UbA7r @bpiworld
What To Expect From General Petraeus http://ping.fm/HQD4v

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Facebook Adds Face Detection to Photos, Recognition Next?http://cot.ag/arJXNm @bpiworld
“Whatever you are, be a good one.” -Abraham Lincoln
The recovery of the Apollo 13 space module with its occupants is a classic feat in the annals of pioneering endeavor. http://alturl.com/sbx7
Even with balanced business performance, there may be times when external conditions almost blow the business apart. http://alturl.com/sbx7
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” -John Quincy Adams
What is too much information in the information age? http://cot.ag/927avn @bpiworld
Innovations Dirty Litte Secret http://cot.ag/cypRYF @bpiworld
Summer Reading Picks From Dan Pink, Seth Godin, Eliot Spitzer, and More http://cot.ag/cbt22T @bpiworld

Friday, July 2, 2010

“A leader leads by example, whether he intends to or not.” leadership
What do skills, strategy, staffing, structure, style, and systems all have in common? http://alturl.com/sbx7
“A great leader's courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position.” -John C. Maxwell
Derive the essentials of survival!! http://alturl.com/sbx7 amanet astd shrm leadership management
“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” -John C. Maxwell
A corporation has 7 distinct internal dynamics that must be addressed in surviving a corporate crisis http://alturl.com/sbx7 management
making saving the corporation’s people your primary goal is the most powerful survival strategy http://cot.ag/ddyouL @bpiworld

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Long-term client and customer relationships have always been the lifeblood of any organization.http://cot.ag/awHEXM management leadership
7 Ways To Be an Effective Mentor http://ping.fm/ypJnh
http://cot.ag/ddyouL A corporation has seven distinct internal dynamics that must be addressed in surviving a corporate crisis @bpiworld
“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” -Steve Job
This metaphor is the Apollo 13 mission. http://cot.ag/ddyouL @bpiworld
a crisis metaphor is needed if the business is to survive http://cot.ag/ddyouL @bpiworld
“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” -John C. Maxwell
Are you using the DSL model in your business crisis? http://ping.fm/9vHqE
new derivational model has emerged DSL (Derived Solutions Logic) @bpiworld leadership management http://cot.ag/ddyouL