Leadership Resources

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Executive Coaching for Results: The Definitive Guide to Developing Organizational Leaders webinar TOMORROW http://cot.ag/gys3ZQ
The executive coaching industry has come of age. http://cot.ag/gys3ZQ
Manage Your Organization's Energy http://cot.ag/dR0Fqp
Getting Smarter About Mergers and Acquisitions http://cot.ag/ftVmZ1

Monday, April 11, 2011

Post-Traumatic Growth and Building Resilience http://cot.ag/ifo40s
Topic Areas: Coaching, Knowledge Management, Talent and Succession Planning, Managing People, Leadership Development http://cot.ag/gys3ZQ
How do organizations and coaches make the most of this powerful method? http://cot.ag/gys3ZQ
Who Do You Blame When Things Go Wrong? http://cot.ag/g51Asa

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ricky Gervais on Not Having a Real Job http://cot.ag/i3lrl9
What is the purpose of coaching? Who should get coaching? How are coaching results measured? http://cot.ag/gys3ZQ
The executive coaching industry has come of age. How do organizations/ coaches make the most of this powerful method? http://cot.ag/gys3ZQ
How Great Management Turned Around Baseball's Worst Team http://cot.ag/fE6BKy

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Productivity, Multitasking, and the Death of the Phone http://cot.ag/dREO5S
Webinar with Brian Underhill: Executive Coaching for Results on 4/13/11 at 2:00 pm EST http://cot.ag/gys3ZQ
Who should get coaching? http://cot.ag/gys3ZQ
Why Leaders Don’t Learn from Success http://cot.ag/fFdn2m

Friday, April 8, 2011

Want Innovative Thinking? Hire from the Humanities http://cot.ag/dNVpDB
What is the purpose of coaching? http://cot.ag/gys3ZQ
How do organizations and coaches make the most of this powerful method? http://cot.ag/gys3ZQ

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Toward Africa 2.0 http://cot.ag/hU1KnL
Who should get coaching? How can you tell coaches apart? How are coaching results measured? http://cot.ag/gys3ZQ
The executive coaching industry has come of age.http://cot.ag/gys3ZQ
Cutting Costs Without Cutting People http://cot.ag/ghQbE2

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Are You an Introverted Boss? http://cot.ag/febqNZ
Executive Coaching for Results: The Definitive Guide to Developing Organizational Leaders http://cot.ag/gys3ZQ
Adapt to Change: ONLINE NOW: http://bit.ly/hmAv2B @bpiworld
Webinar by David Mann: Entering a New Stage - Adapting to Change TODAY
at 2:00 pm EST http://cot.ag/dQAT6s
Experience Marketing, Take Two http://cot.ag/dPp8lO

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"Big Content" Is Strangling American Innovation http://cot.ag/hNf2Or
Learn an inside view of the secret to managing change successfully http://cot.ag/dQAT6s
Learn new tools for employee engagement http://cot.ag/dQAT6s

Monday, April 4, 2011

Learn a new way to determine your best personal aptitude http://cot.ag/dQAT6s
Entering a New Stage: Adapting to Change http://cot.ag/dQAT6s

Sunday, April 3, 2011

see beyond your own limitations, break your boundaries, and “find your genius.” http://cot.ag/gQzow3 @bpiworld

Saturday, April 2, 2011

imagination is critical; you must remain flexible in order to remain afloat http://cot.ag/gQzow3 @bpiworld
How to Succeed in Business Writing? Don't Be Dickens http://cot.ag/dNWmBW

Friday, April 1, 2011

The strength of a relationship is how resiliently it deals with the inevitable failures. http://cot.ag/h9WEYI @bpiworld
Under uncertain conditions, failures are more common than successes http://cot.ag/hvaHkB @bpiworld
http://cot.ag/hvaHkB @bpiworld